Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS405 .I7 The Indian year book.
The Times of India directory and year book including who's who.
Indian and Pakistan year book and who's who.
DS405 .M27 1996 Historical dictionary of India / 2
DS405 .M27 2006 Historical dictionary of India / 1
DS405 .S52 Encyclopaedia Indica / 1
DS405 .S53 1996 Encyclopaedia Indica : India, Pakistan, Bangladesh / 1
DS405 .S58 1998 Encyclopaedia of art, archaeology and literature in Central India / 1
DS405 .U9 supp District gazetteers of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. 1
DS405 .U9 Suppl. District gazetteers of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. 1
DS406 .C66 1922x India, Burma, and Ceylon : Information for travellers and residents. With four maps. 1
DS406 .D4 2004eb Frommer's India / 1
DS406 .H36 1909 A handbook for travellers in India, Burma, and Ceylon : including the provinces of Bengal, Bombay, Madras, the united provinces of Agra and Lucknow, the Panjab, Eastern Bengal and Assam, the Northwest Frontier province, Baluchistan, and the central provinces, and the native states of Rajputana, Central India, Kashmir, Hyderabad, Mysore, etc. 1
DS406 .I52 India. 1
DS406 .I53 1974 India, Nepal / 1
DS406 .L43 1982 India, a practical guide / 1
DS406 .M44 Coming to India and to Delhi : the gateway to modern India for foreign scholars / 1
DS406 .M97 1949 A handbook for travellers in India and Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon : including the Portuguese and French possessions and the Indian States. 1
DS406 .M97 1962 A handbook for travellers in India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon. 1
DS406 .S7 1913 Illustrated guide to the South Indian Railway, including the Tanjore District Board, Pondicherry, Travancore State, Peralam-Karaikkal and the Cochin State Railways. 1
DS406 .U6 1943 A pocket guide to India. 1
DS406 .W4 1986 Trekking in the Indian Himalaya / 1