Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS407 .H27 Living India / 1
DS407 .H5 1847i The Hindoos including a general description of India, its government, religion, manners, and customs : the fine arts, architecture, and literature : with a general outline of the history of Hindoostan / 1
DS407 .H67 1943a Indian crisis : the background / 1
DS407 .I4 India, a country study. 1
DS407 .I446 1986 India 2000 : the next fifteen years : the papers of a symposium conducted by the Center for Asian Studies of the University of Texas at Austin as part of the 1985-86 Festival of India in the United States / 1
DS407 .I4465 1986i India a country study / 1
DS407 .I4465 1996 India : a country study / 1
DS407 .I4465 1996i India a country study / 1
DS407 .I51325 2000 India : a mosaic / 2
DS407 .I516 India; the world's largest democracy. 1
DS407 .I52 1967  
DS407 .K47 2016 Incarnations : India in 50 lives / 1
DS407 .L28 India, a world in transition. 1
DS407 .L28 1966 India : a world in transition. 1
DS407 .L28 1966a India : a world in transition. 1
DS407 .L28 1968 India : a world in transition.
India, a world in transition.
DS407 .L28 1975 India; a world in transition. 1
DS407 .L3 Introduction to India. 1
DS407 .M A short history of India / 1
DS407 .M3 The progress and present state of British India : a manual for general use, based on official documents, furnished under the authority of Her Majesty's secretary of state for India. 1