Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS422.C3 B244 2009eb Fascinating Hindutva saffron politics and Dalit mobilisation / 1
DS422.C3 B246 2011 The making of the dalit public in North India : Uttar Pradesh, 1950-present / 1
DS422.C3 B25 2006 Women heroes and Dalit assertion in north India : culture, identity and politics / 1
DS422.C3 B315 1990 Caste : at home in Hindu India / 1
DS422.C3 B3428 2004 Caste, culture, and hegemony : social domination in colonial Bengal / 1
DS422.C3 B37 2010 Sattā, saṃskr̥ti, aura dalita saundaryaśāstra / 1
DS422.C3 B38 1999 Caste, society and politics in India from the eighteenth century to the modern age / 1
DS422.C3 B385 2021eb Hindi Dalit literature in the United Provinces : Swami Acchutanand and Chandrika Prasad Jigyasu, 1900-1930 / 1
DS422.C3 B4 Caste, class, and power : changing patterns of stratification in a Tanjore village. 1
DS422.C3 B4 1996 Caste, class, and power : changing patterns of stratification in a Tanjore village / 1
DS422.C3 B4 2012 Caste, class and power changing patterns of stratification in a Tanjore village / 1
DS422.C3 B43 Castes: old and new essays in social structure and social stratification. 1
DS422.C3 B48 1968 Hindu castes and sects an exposition of the origin of the Hindu caste system and the bearing of the sects towards each other and towards other religious systems, 1
DS422.C3 B63 Data on caste: Orissa. 1
DS422.C3 B6513 1971 Essays on the caste system / 1
DS422.C3 B7 The Chamārs / 1
DS422.C3 B75 1999 Constructing the colonial encounter : right and left hand castes in early colonial south India / 1
DS422.C3 C37 2023 Caste in everyday life : experience and affect in Indian Society / 1
DS422.C3 C377 1989 Castes and tribes on the tea-estates of north-east India. 1
DS422.C3 C378 1994 Caste and class in India / 1