Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS425 .R453 Classical India / 1
DS425 .R48 2022 Retelling time : alternative temporalities from premodern South Asia / 1
DS425 .R57 1989 Early Aryans of India, 3100-1400 B.C. / 1
DS425 .R584 1987 The wonder that was India. a survey of the history and culture of the Indian sub-continent from the coming of the Muslims to the British Conquest, 1200-1700 / 1
DS425 .R63 2015 The Indus : Lost Civilizations / 1
DS425 .S267 India and the Greek world : a study in the transmission of culture / 1
DS425 .S28 2000 Roots of Indian civilization : essays on pre and protohistoric cultures / 1
DS425 .S32 1992 The problem of Aryan origins from an Indian point of view / 1
DS425 .S337 1999 The departed Harappans of Kalibangan / 1
DS425 .S3444 1996 Ancient Indian heritage, Varāhamihira's India / 1
DS425 .S4 1976 The Dravidian element in Indian culture / 1
DS425 .S73 1982 Life in ancient India in the age of mantras / 1
DS425 .T472 Ancient Indian social history some interpretations / 1
DS425 .T68 1997 Aryans and British India / 1
DS425 .T68 1997eb Aryans and British India / 1
DS425 .U6 The socio-religious condition of north India, 700-1200 A. D., based on archaeological cources. 1
DS425 .V4652 2000 Indo-Aryan colonization of Greece and Middle-East / 1
DS425 .V56 1998 Jātaka-kālīna Bhāratīya saṃskrti / 1
DS425 .V57 2000eb Racial synthesis in Hindu culture 1
DS425 .W48 1966a Civilizations of the Indus Valley and beyond / 1