Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS432.N3 N34 2004 Naga society : continuity and change / 1
DS432.N3 N34 2008 Naga identities : changing local cultures in the northeast of India / 1
DS432.N3 S28 1987 The Patkoi Nagas / 1
DS432.N3 .S43 2006 Nāgas : the tribe and the cult / 1
DS432.N3 S85 2003 The hidden world of the Naga : living traditions in Northeast India and Burma / 1
DS432.N3 T46 2016 Progress and its impact on the Nagas : a clash of worldviews / 1
DS432.N3 T46 2016eb Evangelising the nation : religion and the formation of Naga political identity / 1
DS432.N3 Y66 The rising Nagas : a historical and political study / 1
DS432.N324 A78 2003 There comes papa : colonialism and the transformation of matriliny in Kerala, Malabar, c. 1850-1940 / 1
DS432.N324 F3 1915 Nâyars of Malabar : anthropology / 1
DS432.N324 F38 Nayars of Malabar / 1
DS432.N324 F84 The Nayars today / 1
DS432.N38 C48 2002 The Chettiar heritage / 1
DS432.N38 D86 2002 Maisons-palais du Sud de l'Inde = Palatial houses in the South of India / 1
DS432.N38 N59 1998 Gender, kinship and property rights : Nagarattar womanhood in South India / 1
DS432.N38 R84 1994 Caste and capitalism in colonial India : the Nattukottai Chettiars / 1
DS432.N38 R84 1994eb Caste and capitalism in colonial India : the Nattukottai Chettiars / 1
DS432.N38 S47 (Orien Tam) Nāṭṭuk kōṭṭai nakarattār varalāṟu / 1
DS432.N46 Recasting Folk in the Himalayas Indian Music, Media, and Social Mobility / 2
DS432.N46 K86 1999 Social and cultural life of the Nepalese / 1