Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS445 .M35 1875i An historical sketch of the native states of India in subsidiary alliance with the British government with a notice of the mediatized and minor states / 1
DS445 .M38 2005 Advanced study in the history of modern India 1707-1813 / 1
DS445 .M4 Nationhood for India / 1
DS445 .M8 1967 The Indian image of nineteenth-century Europe / 1
DS445 .N36 2003 The romance of the state : and the fate of dissent in the tropics / 1
DS445 .P68 1962 The origins of Indian foreign policy : the Indian National Congress and world affairs, 1885-1947. 1
DS445 .R43 Realm and region in traditional India / 1
DS445 .R5 1909 The real India / 1
DS445 .R52 India : the real India / 1
DS445 .R52 1910b India : the real India / 1
DS445 .R68 The phases of Indian nationalism and other essays. 1
DS445 .T43 2002eb The territories and states of India
The territories and states of India /
DS445 .T43 2016eb The territories and states of India 2016 / 1
DS445 .T47 2002 The territories and states of India / 1
DS446 .S3 India's diplomatic relations with the West. 1
DS446 .S78 2017 Europe's India : words, people, empires, 1500-1800 / 1
DS446 .S78 2017eb Europe's India : words, people, empires, 1500-1800 / 1
DS446 T393 2014eb India and the Republic of Korea : Engaged Democracies. 1
DS446.3 India's spatial imaginations of South Asia : power, commerce, and community / 1