Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS465 .B35 2017 Call of empire : from the Highlands to Hindostan / 2
DS465 .B38 2017 The East India Company, 1600/1858 : a short history with documents / 1
DS465 .B6 Relics of the Honourable East India Company / 1
DS465 .B75 1691 A brief account of the new way of trade practis'd by the East-India Company in letting it out to farme 1
DS465 .B76 A brief remonstrance of the grand grievances and oppressions suffered by Sir William Courten and Sir Paul Pyndar, knts., deceased as also by their heirs, executors, administrators, and creditors : humbly represented to both Houses of Parliament, prorogued to 21 October 1680 : faithfully collected out of several courts of record, orders of counsel, and treaties of peace and common alliance : with several remarks thereupon for the improvement of naviagation, trade, and commerce /
A brief remonstrance of the grand grievances and oppressions suffered by Sir William Courten and Sir Paul Pyndar, knts., deceased as also by their heirs, executors, administrators, and creditors : humbly represented to both Houses of Parliament, prorogued to 21 October 1680 : faithfully collected out of several courts of record, orders of counsel, and treaties of peace and common alliance : with several remarks thereupon for the improvement of naviagation, trade, and commerce /
DS465 .B79 2013 The emergence of British power in India, 1600-1784 : a grand strategic interpretation / 1
DS465 .B9 1695 By-laws proposed by the governour, deputy-governour, and committee of nine, pursuant to an order of the general court for the better manageing and regulating the companies affairs and approved of in a general court of the East-India Company, holden the 17th. of January, 1694/5. 2
DS465 .C3 The days of John Company : selections from Calcutta gazette, 1824-1832 / 1
DS465 .C37 The Case of the East India Company 1
DS465 .C377 2012 The East India Company and religion, 1698-1858 / 1
DS465 .C377 2012eb The East India Company and religion, 1698-1858 / 1
DS465 .C44 2017eb  
DS465 .C44 2018 The ascent of John Company : from traders to rulers (1756-1787) / 1
DS465 .C53 The English East India Company : the study of an early joint-stock company, 1600-1640 / 1
DS465 .C53 2012 The black hole of empire : history of a global practice of power / 1
DS465 .D35 2019 The anarchy : the relentless rise of the East India Company / 1
DS465 .E175 2014 The East India Company and the natural world / 1
DS465 .E176 2023 The East India Company and the politics of knowledge / 2
DS465 .E27 At a general court of the adventurers to East-India, holden at the East-India-House the second day of November, 1681 1
DS465 .E27 1671 At a court of committees for the East-India Company, holden the sixteenth day of August, 1671 1