Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS51.I9 A2 2001 1927-1928 İzmir fotoğraf albümü 1
DS51.I9 C664 1998 Old Smyrna excavations : the temples of Athena / 1
DS51.I9 G73 2016eb Graffiti from the Basilica in the Agora of Smyrna / 1
DS51.I9 H32 2001 Hacılar, seyyahlar, misyonerler ve İzmir : yabancıların gözüyle Osmanlı döneminde İzmir, 1608-1918 / 1
DS51.I9 H68 1971 The Smyrna affair. 1
DS51.I9 L85 2019 A pearl in peril : heritage and diplomacy in Turkey / 1
DS51.I9 .O88 2007 Ottoman Izmir : studies in honour of Alexander H. de Groot / 1
DS51.I9 S47 2003 Küllerinden doğan şehir / 1
DS51.I9 S69320 2008 İzmir, 1830-1930 unutulmuş bir kent mi? : bir Osmanlı limanından hatıralar = Smyrne, la ville oubliée? : mémoires d'un grand port Ottoman, 1830-1930 / 1
DS51.I9 T36 2018 İzmir/Smyrna 1862-1864 : Greek-Turkish relations in a late Ottoman city / 1
DS51.I9 Y35 1998 Kalbim Ege ́de kaldi : Cemal Yalkiş ́in gözüyle bir zamanlar İzmir / 1
DS51.I9 Z36 2012 Ottoman Izmir : the rise of a cosmopolitan port, 1840-1880 / 1
DS51.I9 Z36 2012eb Ottoman Izmir : the rise of a cosmopolitan port, 1840/1880 / 1
DS51.I92 Y4513 1965 Museum of the Kulturpark and some old cities : Smyrna, Ephesus, Pergamon, Sardes, Priene, Miletus, Didyma, Muğla and Denizli / 1
DS51.K Journey to Kars / 1
DS51.K18 K3 Karatepe kazilari (birinci ön-rapor) : Die Ausgrabungen auf dem Karatepe (erster Vorbericht) / 1
DS51.K1945 A76 2011 Armenian Kars and Ani / 1
DS51.K4 S46 2019 Community, change and border towns / 1
DS51.K423 S46 2019 Community, change and border towns / 1
DS51.K66 O9 Kültepe-Kanis : asur ticaret kolonilerinin merkezinde yapilan yeni arastirmalar. New researches at the center of the Assyrian trade colonies. 1