Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS54.95.L37 K37 Kition : Mycenaean and Phoenician discoveries in Cyprus / 1
DS54.95.L37 K375 1976 View from the bronze age : Mycenaean and Phoenician discoveries at Kition / 1
DS54.95.L37 N5 The historical topography of Kition / 1
DS54.95.L56 Lemesos : a History of Limassol in Cyprus from Antiquity to the Ottoman Conquest. 1
DS54.95.M37 J63 1980 Maroni de Chypre / 1
DS54.95.M37 M36 2002 The late Roman church at Maroni Petrera : survey and salvage excavations 1990-1997, and other traces of Roman remains in the lower Maroni Valley, Cyprus / 1
DS54.95.N47 M55 1990 Nea Paphos in the Hellenistic period / 1
DS54.95.N47 W54 1994 Of mosaics and mosques : a look at the campaign to preserve cultural heritage / 1
DS54.95.N67 B79 2020 Sovereignty suspended : building the so-called state / 1
DS54.95.N67 I55 1991 In Turkey's image : the transformation of occupied Cyprus into a Turkish province / 1
DS54.95.N67 P67 2020 Nation building in contested states : comparative insights from Kosovo, Transnistria, and Northern Cyprus / 1
DS54.95.P4 A47 1983 Phlamoudhi Vounari : a sanctuary site in Cyprus / 1
DS54.95.P94 K37 2014 Pyla-Kokkinokremos : a late 13th century BC fortified settlement in Cyprus, excavations 2010-2011 / 1
DS54.95.S2 K35 Salamis. 1
DS54.95.S2 K36 Salamis : recent discoveries in Cyprus. 1
DS54.95.S2 K37 1975 Salamis. : Die zyprische Metropole des Altertums / 1
DS54.95.S2 S35 1969 v. 1 Les lampes (octobre 1964-mai 1967) / 1
DS54.95.S2 S35 1969 v. 2 La Tombe T. I. du XIe s. av. J.-C. / 1
DS54.95.S2 S35 1969 v.3 Les timbres amphoriques (1965-1970) / 1
DS54.95.S2 S35 1969 v.4 Anthologie salaminienne / 1