Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS554.382 .V53 1984 Cambodia, 1975-1982 / 3
DS554.382 .W87 1994 Hard travel to sacred places / 1
DS554.42 .B76 2015 Violence and the civilising process in Cambodia / 1
DS554.42 .C625 2003 Angkor and the Khmer civilization / 1
DS554.42 .H54 2001 The civilization of Angkor / 1
DS554.42 .M3913 1978 Ancient Cambodia / 1
DS554.42 .W66 1989 Women of Cambodia. 1
DS554.42 .Z4813 2007 A record of Cambodia : the land and its people / 1
DS554.42 .Z83 2013 Forest of struggle : moralities of remembrance in upland Cambodia / 1
DS554.46.B78 B35 2020 Rise of the Brao Ethnic Minorities in Northeastern Cambodia during Vietnamese Occupation / 1
DS554.46.B78 M38 1983 Un village en forĂȘt : l'essartage chez les Brou du Cambodge / 1
DS554.46.C45 D465 2018 Fils du Champa : Dans l'empire disparu du peuple des Chams. 1
DS554.46.J37 Salvage : cultural resilience among the Jorai of northeast Cambodia / 1
DS554.46.J37 P33 2020 Disturbed forests, fragmented memories : Jarai and other lives in the Cambodian highlands / 1
DS554.5 A History of Cambodia. 1
DS554.5 .A8 2008 At the edge of the forest : essays on Cambodia, history, and narrative in honor of David Chandler / 1
DS554.5 .C35 Cambodia, a country study / 1
DS554.5 .C46 1983 A history of Cambodia / 1
DS554.5 .C46 1992 A history of Cambodia / 1
DS554.5 .C46 2000 A history of Cambodia / 1