Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DS558.A6 C586 | Angkor; monuments of the god-kings / | 1 |
DS558.A6 G7 |
Angkor / Angkor : hommes et pierres / Angkor : hommes et pierres. |
3 |
DS558.A6 G73 1966 | Angkor: art and civilization / | 1 |
DS558.A6 G76 1965 | Angkor : hommes et pierres / | 1 |
DS558.A6 J4 | Angkor ruins in Cambodia / | 1 |
DS558.A6 K66 | Connaissez Angkor : la magnifique capitale de l'ancien empire des Khmers, expression d'une des plus étonnantes civilisations de l'histoire. | 1 |
DS558.A6 V613 | Siam / | 1 |
DS558 .A67 1993 | Working-class war : American combat soldiers and Vietnam / | 2 |
DS558 .A94 2002 | The rhetoric of war : language, argument, and policy during the Vietnam War / | 1 |
DS558 .B35 1992 | Vietnam-on-the-Potomac / | 1 |
DS558 .B4 1998 |
The scar that binds American culture and the Vietnam War / The scar that binds : American culture and the Vietnam War / |
4 |
DS558 .B4 1998eb |
The scar that binds : American culture and the Vietnam War / The scar that binds American culture and the Vietnam War / |
2 |
DS558 .B45 2004 | Late thoughts on an old war : the legacy of Vietnam / | 2 |
DS558 .B45 2004eb | Late thoughts on an old war : the legacy of Vietnam / | 2 |
DS558 .B463 1993 | Red thunder, tropic lightning : the world of a combat division in Vietnam / | 1 |
DS558 .B465 1989 | Lyndon Johnson's war : the road to stalemate in Vietnam / | 1 |
DS558 .B467 2001 | No peace, no honor : Nixon, Kissinger, and Betrayal in Vietnam / | 1 |
DS558 .B47 1982 | Planning a tragedy : the Americanization of the war in Vietnam / | 1 |
DS558 .B554 2009 | Vietnam if Kennedy had lived : virtual JFK / | 1 |
DS558 .B554 2015 | Virtual JFK : Vietnam if Kennedy had lived / | 1 |