Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS61.85 .K35 2012eb Early Orientalism imagined Islam and the notion of sublime power / 1
DS61.85 .K45 2017 Gender, orientalism, and the 'War on Terror' : representation, discourse, and intervention in global politics / 1
DS61.85 K767 2018 Na Cestě K Porozumění Orientu a Africe : Vybrané Texty Z Let 1964-2016. 1
DS61.85.L28 Nuevos diálogos : Asia y África desde la mirada latinoamericana / 1
DS61.85.L28 ebook Moros en la Costa Orientalismo en Latinoamérica. 1
DS61.85 .L35 2006 Viewing the Islamic Orient : British travel writers of the nineteenth century /
Viewing the Islamic orient : British travel writers of the nineteenth Century /
DS61.85 .L49 2004 Rethinking orientalism : women, travel and the Ottoman harem / 1
DS61.85 .L53 2014 Orientalism and the figure of the Jew / 2
DS61.85 .M33 2002 Orientalism / 1
DS61.85 .M33 2013eb Orientalism 1
DS61.85 .M35 2004 Freedom and orthodoxy : Islam and difference in the post-Andalusian age / 1
DS61.85 .M37 2015 Islam in liberalism / 1
DS61.85 .M5 2020 A commerce of knowledge : trade, religion, and scholarship between England and the Ottoman Empire, 1600-1760 / 1
DS61.85 .M53 2018 Middle East studies after September 11 : neo-orientalism, American hegemony and academia / 2
DS61.85 .M67 2008 Moros en la costa : orientalismo en Latinoamérica / 1
DS61.85 .M873 2019 The Muslim reception of European orientalism : reversing the gaze / 1
DS61.85 .O54 2010 One world periphery reads the other : knowing the 'oriental' in the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula / 1
DS61.85 .O64 2021 Overcoming Orientalism : essays in honor of John L. Esposito / 1
DS61.85 .O75 2000 Orientalism : a reader / 1
DS61.85 .O753 2005 Orientalism and the Jews / 1