Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS615 .M3 Indonesia / 1
DS615 .M5 Indonesia : a profile / 1
DS615 .M64 1946 Over de gewoonten en gebruiken der Soendaneezen 2
DS615 .P3 Indonesia / 1
DS615 .P74 2014 Producing Indonesia : the State of the Field of Indonesian Studies / 1
DS615 .S5 1968 The land and people of Indonesia / 1
DS615 .U55 1965i U.S. Army area handbook for Indonesia 1
DS615 .V3 The Dutch East Indies : its government, problems and politics / 1
DS615 .V3 1933i The Dutch East Indies its government, problems, and politics / 1
DS615 .V3 1941 The Dutch East Indies : its government, problems and politics / 1
DS615 .V3 1942i The Dutch East Indies its government, problems and politics / 1
DS615 .V3 1944i The Dutch East Indies its government, problems, and politics / 1
DS615 .V58 2012eb Indonesia : archipelago of fear / 1
DS615 .Y3 Area handbook on Indonesia / 1
DS615 .Y82 2006 Indonesia on the move : selected speeches and articles by the President of the Republic of Indonesia / 1
DS615.4 .N34 2016 Cultural landscape management at Borobudur, Indonesia 1
DS617 .G47 1598 An addition to the sea iournal, or, Nauigation of the Hollanders vnto Iaua, contayning the apparances, shewes, or resemblances of the Cape of Bona Speranza, of the road of S. Bras ... together with the exposition of certain words of the people of Madagascar : and with a dictionary of the language of Malacca / 1
DS618 (INTERNET) An exact discourse of the subtilties, fashishions [sic], pollicies, religion, and ceremonies of the East Indians as well Chyneses as Iauans, there abyding and dweling : together with the manner of trading with those people, as well by vs English, as by the Hollanders, as also what hath happened to the English nation at Bantan in the East Indies, since the 2. of February 1602. vntil the 6. of October 1605 : whereunto is added a briefe discription of Iaua Maior / 1
DS619 .B58 Travels in the East Indian archipelago / 1
DS619 .C3 Java and the East Indies : Java, Sumatra, Celebes, the Moluccas, New Guinea, Borneo, and the Malay peninsula / 1