Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS62 .P4x 1948 Les Peuples de l'Orient méditerranéen / 1
DS62 .R25 2010 Hidden histories : Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean / 1
DS62 .R25 2010eb Hidden histories : Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean / 1
DS62 .R26 1870 The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world, or, The history, geography, and antiquities of Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia / 1
DS62 .R26 1872 The sixth great Oriental monarchy, or, The geography, history, and antiquities of Parthia / 1
DS62 .R26 1873 The sixth great Oriental monarchy, or, The geography, history, & antiquities of Parthia / 1
DS62 .R285 The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world, or, The history, geography, and antiquites of Chaldœa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia / 1
DS62 .R32 1900i The sixth great Oriental monarchy, or, The geography, history, and antiquities of Parthia 1
DS62 R33 1900i The seventh great Oriental monarchy, or, The geography, history, and antiquities of the Sassanian or new Persian Empire 1
DS62 .R613 1961 The changing patterns of the Middle East / 1
DS62 .R613 1962 The changing patterns of the Middle East. 1
DS62 .R63 2009 The Middle East : a beginner's guide / 1
DS62 .R65 2002 The role of the state in West Asia / edited by Annika Rabo and Bo Utas. 1
DS62 .R65 2005 The role of the state in West Asia / edited by Annika Rabo and Bo Utas. 1
DS62 .S27 1902 The ancient empires of the East / 1
DS62 .S63 2019 The social archaeology of the Levant : from prehistory to the present / 1
DS62 .S78 2000 Studies in honour of Clifford Edmund Bosworth / 1
DS62 .S83 Ocherki istorii drevnego Vostoka / 1
DS62 .V3 Ancient man : the beginning of civilizations / 1
DS62 .V3 1920 Ancient man : the beginning of civilizations. 1