Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS62.2 .P65 2000 Soldiers, cities, and civilians in Roman Syria / 1
DS62.2 .S277 2002 Hebrew origins : historiography, history, faith of ancient Israel / 1
DS62.2 S345 2011 Sovereignty after empire : comparing the Middle East and Central Asia / 1
DS62.2 .S345 2011eb Sovereignty after empire : comparing the Middle East and Central Asia /
Sovereignty after empire comparing the Middle East and Central Asia /
DS62.2 .S54 2000 The pre-Islamic Middle East / 1
DS62.2 .S54 2000eb The pre-Islamic Middle East / 1
DS62.2 .S57 2013eb Ancient Near East the basics / 1
DS62.2 .S66 2005 Roms orientalische Steppengrenze : Palmyra, Edessa, Dura-Europos, Hatra : eine Kulturgeschichte von Pompeius bis Diocletian / 1
DS62.2 .V33 2007 The eastern Mediterranean in the age of Ramesses II / 1
DS62.2 .V33 2007eb The eastern Mediterranean in the age of Ramesses II 1
DS62.2 .V34 2007 A history of the ancient Near East, ca. 3000-323 BC / 1
DS62.2 .V35 1983 In search of history : historiography in the ancient world and the origins of Biblical history /
In search of history historiography in the ancient world and the origins of Biblical history /
DS62.2 .V36 2004 A history of the ancient Near East, ca. 3000-323 BC / 1
DS62.2 .V36 2007 A history of the ancient Near East, ca. 3000-323 BC / 1
DS62.2 .V44 Ramses II and his time / 2
DS62.2 .W67 2001 The world of the Aramaeans / 1
DS62.2 ebook Historia del Próximo Oriente antiguo (ca. 3000-323 a.n.e.) / 1
DS62.23 Amarna diplomacy : the beginnings of international relations /
The Southern Levant during the first centuries of Roman rule (64 BCE-135 CE) : interweaving local cultures /
Egypt's Ramesside Pharaohs and the Persians.
DS62.23 .A43 2000 Amarna diplomacy : the beginnings of international relations / 1
DS62.23 .A93 2002 The rescue of Jerusalem : the alliance between Hebrews and Africans in 701 BC / 1