Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS63.123 The new Regional Order in the Middle East changes and challenges /
Understanding contemporary Islamic crises in the Middle East : the issues beneath the surface /
El presente del Medio Oriente : una lectura en clave histórica /
The Arab Spring and the geopolitics of the Middle East : emerging security threats and revolutionary change /
New Arab Wars.
New authoritarian practices in the Middle East and North Africa /
Political identities and popular uprisings in the Middle East /
The regional order in the Gulf Region and the Middle East regional rivalries and security alliances /
The future of the Gulf Region value change and global cycles /
Informal politics in the Middle East /
DS63.123 .A37 2015 Contemporary issues in Islam / 1
DS63.123 .A37 2015eb Contemporary issues in Islam / 1
DS63.123 .A55 2022 The age of counter-revolution : states and revolutions in the Middle East / 1
DS63.123 .B49 2017 Beyond Sunni and Shia : the roots of sectarianism in a changing Middle East / 1
DS63.123 .C65 2023 Conflict and post-conflict governance in the Middle East and Africa / 1
DS63.123 .C66 2021 The contemporary Middle East in an age of upheaval / 1
DS63.123 .C67 2018 Statebuilding in the Middle East and North Africa : the aftermath of regime change / 1
DS63.123 E436 2018 Security and Insecurity in the Middle East. 1
DS63.123 .G45 2018 The new Middle East : what everyone needs to know / 1
DS63.123 .G54 2019 Shatter the nations : ISIS and the war for the Caliphate / 1
DS63.123 .G67 2016 Middle East politics for the new millennium : a constructivist approach / 1
DS63.123 .G67 2016eb Middle East politics for the new millennium : a constructivist approach / 1
DS63.123 .G85 2019 Global responses to conflict and crisis in Syria and Yemen / 1
DS63.123 .H37 2018 Quicksilver war : Syria, Iraq and the spiral of conflict / 1
DS63.123 .H67 2017 The new geopolitics of terror demons and dragons / 1
DS63.123 .I85 2014 Ḥarakāt al-Islām al-siyāsī wa-al-sulṭah fī al-ʻālam al-ʻArabī : al-ṣuʻūd wa-al-ufūl / 1
DS63.123 .J46 2015 How the current conflicts are shaping the future of Syria and Iraq / 1
DS63.123 .K43 2017 The attempt to uproot Sunni-Arab influence : a geo-strategic analysis of the Western, Israeli and Iranian quest for domination / 1
DS63.123 .L36 2005i Y the sources of Islamic revolutionary conduct / 1