Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS685 .W8 1921 The Philippines past and present : by Dean C. Worcester. 1
DS685 .W8 1930 The Philippines past and present / 1
DS685 .Y8 1999 Japan views the Philippines, 1900-1944 / 1
DS685.5 .K46 1989 Rebellion and repression in the Philippines / 1
DS685.614 .T47 1992 The Philippines in crisis : development and security in the aquino era 1986-92 / 1
DS685.8.H47 K36 2011 Citizen of empire : Ethel Thomas Herold, an American in the Philippines / 1
DS686 .H3 The Philippines, a study in national development / 1
DS686 .M84 1988 Spectator society : the Philippines under martial rule / 1
DS686 .S75 A Nation in the making : the Philippines and the United States, 1899-1921 / 1
DS686 .T473 2014 Sakdalistas' struggle for Philippine independence, 1930-1945 / 1
DS686 .U55 1939i Complete independence of the Philippine Islands hearings before the Committee on Territories and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Seventy-sixth Congress, first session, on S. 1028, a bill to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the complete independence of the Philippine Islands, to provide for the adoption of a constitution and a form of government for the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes" : February 16 to March 15, 1939. 1
DS686.2.A2 G54 1986 The American governors-general and high commissioners in the Philippines : proconsuls, nation-builders and politians / 1
DS686.2.R6 A3 I walked with heroes. 1
DS686.2.T3 A3 Born of the people / 1
DS686.2.T3 A32 1967 He who rides the tiger : the story of an Asian guerrilla leader / 1
DS686.2.V37 S28 1992 "Let George do it" : a biography of Jorge B. Vargas / 1
DS686.3 .Q4 The good fight ... / 1
DS686.4 .A7 Betrayal in the Philippines / 1
DS686.4 .H3 The Japanese occupation of the Philippines / 1
DS686.4 .M5 1946i The Philippines prepares for independence 1