Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS70.7 .F4 1969 Guests of the Sheik : an ethnography of an Iraqi village. 1
DS70.7 .K49 2013 Identity and nation in Iraq / 1
DS70.7 .K49 2013eb Identity and nation in Iraq / 1
DS70.7 .L45 2002 The Babylonians : an introduction / 1
DS70.7 .L45 2002eb The Babylonians an introduction /
The Babylonians : an introduction /
DS70.7 .M2977 2001 Cultures locales du moyen-Euphrate : modèles et événements, IIe-Ier mill. av. J.-C. / 1
DS70.7 .M87 2006 Reading Iraq : culture and power and conflict / 1
DS70.7 .S27 The greatness that was Babylon : a survey of the ancient civilization of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley / 1
DS70.7 .S27 1969 The greatness that was Babylon : a survey of the ancient civilization of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley / 1
DS70.7 .S3 Marsh dwellers of the Euphrates Delta. 1
DS70.7 .T45 1964 The Marsh Arabs. 1
DS70.7 .T45 1964a The Marsh Arabs. 1
DS70.7 .T5 The Marsh Arabs. 1
DS70.7 .V28 1963 La vie en Irak il y a un siècle : vue par nos consuls / 1
DS70.7 .W26 2007 Shakhṣīyat al-fard al-ʻIrāqī : baḥth fī nafsīyat al-shaʻb al-ʻIrāqī ʻalá ḍawʼ ʻilm al-ijtimāʻ al-ḥadīth / 1
DS70.7 ebook Mesopotamia y el Antiguo Testamento / 1
DS70.8.A1 H325 2011eb Sectarianism in Iraq : antagonistic visions of unity / 1
DS70.8.A1 H363 2011 Managing Arab-Kurd tensions in Northern Iraq after the withdrawal of U.S. troops / 1
DS70.8.A1 I73 2002 The Iraqi marshlands : a human and environmental study / 1
DS70.8.A1 M38 2000 al-Dhāt al-jarīḥah : ishkālāt al-huwīyah fī al-ʻIrāq wa-al-ʻālam al-ʻArabī "al-Sharqmutawasaṭī" / 1