Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS721 .T528 1995 Time and space in Chinese culture / 1
DS721 .T59 1989 Echoes from old China : life, legends and lore of the Middle Kingdom /
Echoes from old China : life, legends, and lore of the Middle Kingdom /
DS721 .T65 Ways that are dark : the truth about China / 1
DS721 .T67 1973 Half the world: the history and culture of China and Japan.
Half the world : the history and culture of China and Japan /
DS721 .T72 A Chinese testament : the autobiography of Tan Shih-hua / 1
DS721 .T793 2011 Collected writings on Chinese culture / 1
DS721 .T847 1991 Tun shi yu jiu shi : Zhongguo wen hua ming zhu xin ping = Dunshiyujiushi : zhongguowenhua mingzhuxinping / 1
DS721 .T86 Zhongguo nu li she hui shi / 1
DS721 .T865 1995 Wen hua wen liu zhong di wen xue yu wen shi / 1
DS721 .T867 1992 Long yu shangdi : Jidu jiao yu Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua / 1
DS721 .T87 1991 Dong fang xian qing / 1
DS721 .U545 1996 Unity and diversity : local cultures and identities in China / 1
DS721 .W26 1997 Gu dai shi ren chu shi zhi dao / 1
DS721 .W267 1994 Zhongguo wen ming qi yuan de bi jiao yan jiu = Zhong guo wen ming qi yuan de bi jiao yan jiu / 1
DS721 .W268 1999 The sextants of Beijing : global currents in Chinese history / 1
DS721 .W3 The House of exile / 1
DS721 .W3196 1994 Dong yi wen hua yu Huai yi wen hua yan jiu / 1
DS721 .W333773 1991 The Chineseness of China : selected essays / 1
DS721 .W33383 2002 Jin dai wen hua sheng tai ji qi bian qian / 1
DS721 .W33396 1997 Shi yu yin / 1