Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS741.25 "Xi nian" , "Chun qiu" , "Zhu shu ji nian" de li shi xu shi /
Myth and the Making of History Narrating Early China with Sarah Allan.
DS741.25 .C45 1996 Gu shi xue lun wen ji / 1
DS741.25 .J65 2012 Saluting the yellow emperor : a case of Swedish sinography / 1
DS741.25 .O43 2012 Dubious facts : the evidence of early Chinese historiography / 2
DS741.25 .P56 2020 Zhou history unearthed : the bamboo manuscript Xinian and early Chinese historiography / 1
DS741.25 .V64 2007 Geschichte als Problem : Entstehung, Formen und Funktionen von Geschichtsschreibung im Alten China / 1
DS741.25 .X829 2015 "Xi nian" , "Chun qiu" , "Zhu shu ji nian" de li shi xu shi / 1
DS741.3 .C4326 1956 Tong zhi er shi lue / 1
DS741.3 .C433 1998 Shi ji suo yin yin shu kao shi / 1
DS741.3 .D5 2002 Ancient China and its enemies : the rise of nomadic power in East Asian history / 1
DS741.3 .D5 2002eb Ancient China and its enemies : the rise of nomadic power in East Asian history / 2
DS741.3 .D5 2004eb Ancient China and its enemies the rise of nomadic power in East Asian history / 1
DS741.3 .M59 1955 Chūgoku kodaishi gairon / 1
DS741.3 .S44 2004 Shi ji / 1
DS741.3 .S55 2011 Views from within, views from beyond : approaches to the Shiji as an early work of historiography / 1
DS741.3 .S67813 1993 Records of the grand historian. 1
DS741.3 .S68 2004 Shi ji / 1
DS741.3 .S68 2013 Shi ji : dian jiao ben er shi si shi xiu ding ben / 1
DS741.3. S68 C44 2000 Shi ji / 1
DS741.3.S68 C45 1993 Zhongguo shi guan wen hua yu Shi ji / 1