Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS760.9.T65 A3 1909 Zeng Wenzheng gong shou shu ri ji / 1
DS760.9.T65 P67 Tsêng Kuo-fan's private bureaucracy. 1
DS760.9.W3 A5 The god from the West : a biography of Frederick Townsend Ward. 1
DS760.9.W4 A25 1983 Wei Yuan ji / 1
DS760.9.W4 W28 Wei Yuan nian pu / 1
DS760.9.W4 W3 Wei Yuan dui xi fang de ren shi ji qi hai fang si xiang / 1
DS760.9.Y43 W66 Yeh Ming-ch'en : Viceroy of Liang Kuang 1852-8 / 1
DS761 Westernization movement and early thought of modernization in China pragmatism and changes in society, 1860s-1900s / 1
DS761 .B37 2022 Learning to rule : court education and the remaking of the Qing state, 1861-1912 / 1
DS761 .C37 1977 Zhang Taiyan zheng lun xuan ji / 1
DS761 .C44 1996 Bei tiao zheng di mu guang / 1
DS761 .C52 Qing ji ge guo zhao hui mu lu / 1
DS761 .E6 From opium war to liberation. 1
DS761 .F28 The Face of China as seen by photographers & travelers, 1860-1912 / 1
DS761 .F3 1959 Chʻing documents : an introductory syllabus = Qing ji shi liao ru men / 1
DS761 .F8 Zhongguo jin dai shi. 1
DS761 .G34 1972 China's struggle to modernize. 1
DS761 .H3 China only yesterday, 1850-1950 : a century of change. 1
DS761 .H3 1963a China only yesterday, 1850-1950 : a century of change / 1
DS761 .K36 1981 Kang Youwei zheng lun ji / 1