Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS773 .C42 Li xian pai yu xin hai ge ming / 1
DS773 .C5112 1993 Xuantong di / 1
DS773 .C5116 1973 The first revolution in China : a theory. 1
DS773 .C5119 1990 20 shi ji chu Zhongguo de yi lao yi shao / 1
DS773 .C5145 China in revolution : the first phase, 1900-1913 / 1
DS773 .C515 1964 Wo di qian ban sheng / 1
DS773 .C51512 From Emperor to citizen : autobiography of Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi / 1
DS773 .C51513 The last Manchu : the autobiography of Henry Pu Yi, last Emperor of China / 1
DS773 .C5247 1976 The Revolution of 1911 / 1
DS773 .D44 1975 China this century / 1
DS773 .D56 1912i China's revolution, 1911-1912 a historical and political record of the civil war / 1
DS773 .D6 1972 China's revolution, 1911-1912 : a historical and political record of the civil war / 1
DS773 .E83 Reform and revolution in China : the 1911 revolution in Hunan and Hubei / 1
DS773 .F3 1914i À travers la révolution chinoise mes séjours dans le sud et dans le nord, l'évolution des moeurs, entretiens avec les chefs des partis, l'emprunt inconstitutionnel, le coup d'état / 1
DS773 .F313 1916i Through the Chinese revolution my experience in the south and north, the evolution of social life, interviews with party leaders, an unconstitutional loan--the coup d'état / 1
DS773 .F4 Through the Chinese revolution : my experience in the south and north, the evolution of social life, interviews with party leaders, an unconstitutional loan--the coup d'état / 1
DS773 .G35 Chinese intellectuals and the revolution of 1911 : the birth of modern Chinese radicalism. 1
DS773 .G4 Double ten : Captain O'Banion's story of the Chinese revolution / 1
DS773 .H4 China's new day : a study of events that have led to its coming / 1
DS773 .H7 Chinese historiography on the Revolution of 1911 : a critical survey and a selected bibliography / 1