Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS777.53 .L573 1975 The unknown war : North China 1937-1945 / 1
DS777.53 .L584 Nowhere is my home. 1
DS777.53 .L63 Japan's economic offensive in China / 1
DS777.53 .L63 2011 Japan's economic offensive in China / 1
DS777.53 .L63 2011eb Japan's economic offensive in China 1
DS777.53 .L8 From the Marco Polo Bridge to Pearl Harbor : Japan's entry into World War II. / 1
DS777.53 .M2326 2012 Clash of empires in South China : the Allied nations' proxy war with Japan, 1935-1941 / 1
DS777.53 .M2485 1954 Strategic problems of China's revolutionary war. 1
DS777.53 .M25 1945 On coalition government : report to the 7th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party at Yenan / 1
DS777.53 .M2545 1966 On protracted war. 1
DS777.53 .M265 2004 Ōzora no isho / 1
DS777.53 .M27 Two policies and programmes to combat Japanese invasion and two perspectives / 1
DS777.53 .M3 1995 Lan yan jing, hei yan jing : guo ji you ren yuan Hua kang Ri ji shi / 1
DS777.53 .M45 Twilight in China 1
DS777.53 .M58 2013 China's war with Japan, 1937-1945 : the struggle for survival / 1
DS777.53 .M82 1937 Nisshi Jihen to tsugini kuru mono / 1
DS777.53 .N3 Feng huo. 1
DS777.53 .N56 1937i The Conference of Brussels, November 3-24, 1937 convened in virtue of article 7 of the Nine-Power Treaty of Washington of 1922. 1
DS777.53 .N5712 Ri Hua he ping gong zuo mi shi / 1
DS777.53 .N57123 1992 Ri Hua he ping gong zuo mi shi / 1