Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS777.55 .T4166 1992 China in our time : the epic saga of the People's Republic from the Communist victory to Tiananmen Square and beyond / 1
DS777.55 .T45 Government and administration in Communist China. 1
DS777.55 T45 1955 Government and administration in Communist China / 1
DS777.55 .T47 2002 The territories of the People's Republic of China / 1
DS777.55 .T47 2002eb The territories of the People's Republic of China / 1
DS777.55 .T474 The Bear and the Dragon : Sino-Soviet relations and the political evolution of the Chinese People's Republic, 1949-1971 / 1
DS777.55 .T48 Three major struggles on China's philosophical front, 1949-64. 1
DS777.55 .T56 1955i Government and administration in Communist China 1
DS777.55 .T562 1972 Journey between two Chinas. 2
DS777.55 .T63 Traditii ale poporului român de solidaritate si prietenie cu poporul chinez. 1
DS777.55 .T7 This is Communist China / 1
DS777.55 .T73 1968 Society, schools & progress in China
Society, schools & progress in China.
DS777.55 .T88 The thought revolution / 1
DS777.55 .T888 Communist China and the Chinese problem / 1
DS777.55 .U245 2011 Machiba no Chūgokuron / 1
DS777.55 .U53 The conduct of Communist China. : September 5, 1963. 1
DS777.55 .V36 Enemies and friends : the united front in Chinese Communist history / 1
DS777.55 .W34 China under communism : the first five years. 1
DS777.55 .W35 The continuing struggle : Communist China and the free world. 1
DS777.55 .W3684 1997 Zhi qing zhe shuo. yu li shi guan jian ren wu di dui hua / 1