Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS79.72 .P48 1994 The Persian Gulf War : views from the social and behavioral sciences / 1
DS79.72 .P64 1993 The political psychology of the Gulf War : leaders, publics, and the process of conflict /
The Political psychology of the Gulf War : leaders, publics, and the process of conflict /
DS79.72 .P67 1991 Under siege in Kuwait : a survivor's story / 1
DS79.72 .Q7513 1993 The Gulf Crisis : an attempt to understand / 1
DS79.72 .R33 1993 Invasion Kuwait : an Englishwoman's tale / 1
DS79.72 .R43 1993 Hollow victory : a contrary view of the Gulf War / 2
DS79.72 .R64 1998 The demonic comedy : some detours in the Baghdad of Saddam Hussein / 1
DS79.72 .S2513 1991 Secret dossier : the hidden agenda behind the Gulf War / 2
DS79.72 .S27 1991b The rape of Kuwait : the true story of Iraqi atrocities against a civilian population / 1
DS79.72 .S47 1992 Security Council Resolution 687 of 3 April 1991 in the Gulf affair : problems of restoring and safeguarding peace / 1
DS79.72 .S47 1992i Security Council resolution 687 of 3 April 1991 in the Gulf affair problems of restoring and safeguarding peace / 1
DS79.72 .S65 1992 George Bush's war / 1
DS79.72 .S862 1995 Persian Gulf War almanac / 1
DS79.72 .S97 1992 On strategy II : a critical analysis of the Gulf War / 1
DS79.72 .T36 1998 Wo cong zhan chang gui lai / 2
DS79.72 .T39 1992 War and the media : propaganda and persuasion in the Gulf War / 2
DS79.72 .T39 1998 War and the media : propaganda and persuasion in the Gulf War / 1
DS79.72 .T73 1991 Perspectives on the Gulf crisis / 1
DS79.72 .T75 1992 Triumph without victory : the unreported history of the Persian Gulf Conflict /
Triumph without victory : the unreported history of the Persian Gulf War /
DS79.72 .U55 1991 The United States Navy in "Desert Shield" "Desert Storm" / 1