Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DS808 |
From white to yellow : the Japanese in European racial thought, 1300-1735 / Travel Writings. |
2 |
DS808 .C23 | A true description of the mighty kingdoms of Japan and Siam | 2 |
DS808 .C23 1935 | A true description of the mighty kingdoms of Japan & Siam / | 1 |
DS808 .C6 | They came to Japan : an anthology of European reports on Japan, 1543-1640. | 1 |
DS808 .F88 1995eb | The furthest goal : Engelbert Kaempfer's encounter with Tokugawa Japan / | 1 |
DS808 .G67 2020 | Printing landmarks : popular geography and Meisho Zue in late Tokugawa Japan / | 1 |
DS808 .J56 1987 | Jinkokuki : Shin jinkokuki / | 1 |
DS808 .J687 2014eb | The journal of Olof Eriksson Willman : from his voyage to the Dutch East Indies and Japan, 1648-1654 / | 1 |
DS808 .K128 | The history of Japan : giving an account of the antient and present state and government of that empire; of its ... minerals, trees ... animals ... and fishes; of the chronology ... of the emperors ... of the customs and manufactures of the natives, and of their trade ... with the Dutch and Chinese. Together with a description of the kingdom of Siam / | 1 |
DS808 .M3813 2020 | Travel writings / | 1 |
DS808 .M59 2013 | Okashina Jipangu zuhanchō : Montanusu ga egaita kyōi no ōkoku = Jipangu unseen, yet curiously portrayed by Arnoldus Montanus / | 1 |
DS808 .M66 | Atlas Japannensis being remarkable addresses by way of embassy from the East-India Company of the United Provinces to the Emperor of Japan ... / | 2 |
DS808 .M7 1669 | Gedenkwaerdige gesantschappen der Oost-Indische maatschappy in 't Vereenigde Nederland, aan de kaisaren van Japan : vervatende wonderlyke voorvallen op de togt der Nederlandtsche gesanten: beschryving van de dorpen, sterkten, steden, landtschappen, tempels, godsdiensten, dragten, gebouwen, dieren, gewasschen, bergen, fonteinen, vereeuwde en nieuwe oorlogs-daaden der Japanders: verçiert met een groot getal afbeeldsels in Japan geteikent: getrokken uit de geschriften en reis-aanteikeningen der zelve gesanten / | 1 |
DS808 .M76 1670 | Atlas japannensis : being remarkable addresses by way of embassy from the East-India company of the United Provinces, to the emperor of Japan. Containing a description of their several territories, cities, temples, and fortresses; their religions, laws and customs; their prodigious wealth, and gorgeous habits; the nature of their soil, plants, beasts, hills, rivers, and fountains. With the character of the ancient and modern Japanners / | 1 |
DS808 .N46 2008 | Excursions in identity : travel and the intersection of place, gender, and status in Edo Japan / | 1 |
DS808 .R87 2020 | The Russian Discovery of Japan, 1670-1800. | 1 |
DS808 .S5716 1991 | Kaitō shokokuki : Chōsenjin no mita chūsei no Nihon to Ryūkyū / | 1 |
DS808 .S6 1987 | Rōshōdō Nihon kōroku : Chōsen shisetsu no mita chūsei Nihon / | 1 |
DS808 .T2923 2009 | Tabi to Nihon hakken : idō to kōtsū no bunka keiseiryoku / | 1 |
DS808 .T73 2006 | Traditions of East Asian travel / | 1 |