Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS838 .A55 Nihon no senshi / 1
DS838 .I8 Gunbatsu kōbōshi / 1
DS838 .I86 Gunbatsu kōbōshi / 1
DS838 .K84 2014 A military history of Japan : from the age of the Samurai to the 21st century / 2
DS838 .M33 Gunbatsu antō hishi : rikugun hōkai no ichi danmen / 1
DS838 .S7 Sugiyama memo / 1
DS838 .T35 2018 Bushi no Nihon shi / 1
DS838 .Z46 1968 Nihon no hyakunen sensō / 1
DS838.5 .F37 1992 Heavenly warriors : the evolution of Japan's military, 500-1300 / 1
DS838.5 .F75 1992 Hired swords : the rise of private warrior power in early Japan / 1
DS838.5 .F756 2004 Samurai, warfare and the state in early medieval Japan / 1
DS838.5 .F756 2004eb Samurai, warfare & the state in early medieval Japan 1
DS838.5.F756 2004eb DS838.5 DS838.5.F756 2004 Samurai, Warfare and the State in Early Medieval Japan. 1
DS838.5 .F845 2005 Zōhyōtachi no senjō : chūsei no yōhei to doreigari / 1
DS838.5 .J38 2016 Samurai to soldier : remaking military service in nineteenth-century Japan / 1
DS838.5 .J38 2016eb Samurai to soldier : remaking military service in nineteenth-century Japan / 1
DS838.5 .M378 2022 Kamakura jidai no kassen shisutemu : gunzei saisoku, sentō sahō, jōhō dentatsu, gunkō nintei / 1
DS838.5 .T872 2019 Tanaka 1587 : Japans greatest unknown samurai battle / 1
DS838.5 .W37 2016 Warfare in Japan / 1
DS838.7 .B74 2019 Defamiliarizing Japan's Asia-Pacific War / 1