Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS881.3 .S316 1938 Ishin Nihon gaikō hiroku : Eishi Satō tainichi kenbunki / 1
DS881.3 .S316 1960 Ichi gaikōkan no mita Meiji Ishin / 1
DS881.3 .S55 1934 Shinbun waisō / 1
DS881.3 .S74 2003 Alternative narratives in modern Japanese history / 1
DS881.3 .S74 2003eb Alternative narratives in modern Japanese history /
Alternative narratives in modern Japanese history
DS881.3 .T63 The collapse of the Tokugawa bakufu, 1862-1868 / 1
DS881.3 .T69 1951 Meiji Ishin / 1
DS881.3 .W378 2021 Meiji kakumei, sei, bunmei : seiji shisōshi no bōken = The Meiji revolution, gender and civilization / 1
DS881.3 .W55 1992 Patriots and redeemers in Japan : motives in the Meiji Restoration / 1
DS881.3 .Y32 1965 Kyōto shugoshoku shimatsu : kyū Aizu-han rōshin no shuki / 1
DS881.3 .Y34812 1996 Riben jin dai shi / 1
DS881.4 .H549 2017 Samurai assassins : "dark murder" and the Meiji Restoration, 1853-1868 / 1
DS881.4 .J36 1986 Japan in transition, from Tokugawa to Meiji / 1
DS881.4 .J36 2014 Japan in Transition : From Tokugawa to Meiji. 1
DS881.4 .S93 2009 The Meiji Restoration : monarchism, mass communication and conservative revolution /
The Meiji Restoration monarchism, mass communication and conservative revolution /
DS881.4 .U24 1983 Kōbe jiken : Meiji gaikō no shuppatsuten / 1
DS881.4 .W47 2013 Meiji restoration losers : memory and Tokugawa supporters in modern Japan / 1
DS881.45 The ghost of Namamugi : Charles Lenox Richardson and the Anglo-Satsuma war / 1
DS881.45 .A97 2004 Negotiating with imperialism : the unequal treaties and the culture of Japanese diplomacy / 1
DS881.45 .A97 2004eb Negotiating with imperialism : the unequal treaties and the culture of Japanese diplomacy / 1