Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS881.45.A97 2004eb Negotiating with Imperialism the Unequal Treaties and the Culture of Japanese Diplomacy. 1
DS881.45 .J37 2006 Japan and the Illustrated London news : complete record of reported events, 1853-1899 / 1
DS881.45 .M36 2006 The opening of Japan, 1853-1855 : a comparative study of the American, British, Dutch and Russian naval expeditions to compel the Tokugawa Shogunate to conclude treaties and open ports to their ships / 1
DS881.45 .Y65 2013 Kaikoku zen'ya no sekai / 1
DS881.5.A1 Makers Of Japan / 1
DS881.5.A1 I145 2023 Bakumatsu Ishin to kokuji junnan senbotsusha : Edo, Mito, Jōshin'etsu, Kyōto nado no jirei kara / 1
DS881.5.A1 I84 1912 Ishin Tosa kinnōshi / 1
DS881.5.A1 M43 1981 Meiji Ishin jinmei jiten / 1
DS881.5.A1 M6 Makers of Japan / 1
DS881.5.A1 T37 1941 Meiji Ishin undō jinbutsu kō / 1
DS881.5.A68 H67 1990 Haisha no ishinshi : Aizu hanshi Arakawa Katsushige no nikki / 1
DS881.5.E8 M3 Etō Nanpaku / 1
DS881.5.E8 M67 1987 Etō Shinpei : kyūshinteki kaikakusha no higeki / 1
DS881.5.F82 M38 2020 Fukuzawa Yukichi no shisōteki kakutō : sei to shi o koete / 1
DS881.5.F82 N35 1949 Nihon kindaika to Fukuzawa Yukichi : Nihon kensei shijō ni okeru Fukuzawa Yukichi / 1
DS881.5.G73 Z58 Ajia no kyōkan : tatakai o tsūjite mita chūgoku / 1
DS881.5.H3 T24 Hara Takashi zenshū 1
DS881.5.H33 Y3 1985 Hashimoto Sanai / 1
DS881.5 .H83s Lord Hotta: the pioneer diplomat of Japan. 1
DS881.5.I35 N26 Ii Tairō to kaikō / 1