Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS94.5 .T93 2009eb Paneas 1
DS94.5 .U73 2007 Urban and natural landscapes of an ancient Syrian capital : settlement and environment at Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna and in central-western Syria / 1
DS94.5 .V5 Les travaux archéologiques en Syrie en 1922-23 / 1
DS94.6 .C65 2016eb  
DS94.6 .C66 2007 Dissident Syria making oppositional arts official /
Dissident Syria : making oppositional arts official /
DS94.6 W457 2022 Revolutions Aesthetic A Cultural History of Ba'thist Syria. 1
DS94.7 Comparative demography of the Syrian diaspora : European and Middle Eastern destinations /
State and tribes in Syria : informal alliances and conflict patterns /
DS94.7 .F34 2019 Between the Ottomans and the Entente : the first World War in the Syrian and Lebanese diaspora, 1908-1925 / 1
DS94.7 .L48 1987 Nomads and setters in Syria and Jordan, 1800-1980 / 1
DS94.7 .W45 2011 The emergence of minorities in the Middle East : the politics of community in French mandate Syria / 1
DS94.7 .W45 2011eb The emergence of minorities in the Middle East : the politics of community in French mandate Syria /
The emergence of minorities in the Middle East : the politics and community in French Mandate Syria /
DS94.8.A83 M65 2021 Syrian Armenians and the Turkish factor : Kessab, Aleppo and Deir ez-Zor in the Syrian war / 1
DS94.8.D8 A24 1984 The Druzes : a new study of their history, faith, and society / 1
DS94.8.K8 ebook Guerra y revolución en el Kurdistán Sirio : las voces de Rojava / 1
DS94.8.K8 G85 2014 Out of nowhere : the Kurds of Syria in peace and war / 1
DS94.8.K8 T452 2009 Syria's kurds : history, politics and society / 1
DS94.8.K8 T452 2009eb Syria's kurds : history, politics and society / 1
DS94.8.K8 Y55 2005 The Kurds in Syria : the forgotten people / 1
DS94.8.N67 A44 2016 The Alawis of Syria : war, faith and politics in the Levant / 1
DS94.8.N67 A53 2015 The Alawis of Syria : war, faith and politics in the Levant / 1