Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT154.6 The Sudan : Unity and Diversity in a Multicultural State.
Routledge library editions.
DT154.6 .A74 1964i Area handbook for the Republic of the Sudan 1
DT154.6 .A74 1973i Area handbook for the Democratic Republic of Sudan 1
DT154.6 .S533 2004eb Sudan 1
DT154.6 .S533 2005 Sudan / 1
DT154.6 .S533 2005eb Sudan / 1
DT154.6 .S93 Sudan, a country study. 1
DT154.6 .S93 1982i Sudan a country study / 1
DT154.6 .S93 1992 Sudan : a country study / 1
DT154.6 .S93 1992i Sudan a country study / 1
DT154.6 .S935 2011 The Sudan handbook / 1
DT154.6 .V65 1985 The Sudan : unity and diversity in a multicultural state / 1
DT154.6 .W66 2000 Battle for peace in Sudan : an analysis of the Abuja conferences, 1992-1993 / 1
DT154.67 .F74 2005 Sudan : the land and the people / 2
DT154.69 .R524 1994 Sudan : the passing of time / 1
DT154.73 .E96 The Europeans in the Sudan, 1834-1878 : some manuscripts, mostly unpublished / 1
DT154.73 .G4713 1892i Seven years in the Soudan being a record of explorations, adventures, and campaigns against the Arab slave hunters / 1
DT154.73 .H36 1898 Handbook of the Sudan 1
DT154.73 .M93 Life with the Hamran Arabs an account of a sporting tour of some officers of the guards in the Soudan, during the winter of 1874-5 / 1
DT154.74 .B38 1936 Gari-Gari, Leben und Abenteuer bei den Negern zwischen Nil und Kongo / 1