Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT155.2.S45 I27 The Shaiqiya : the cultural and social change of a Northern Sudanese riverain people / 1
DT155.3 .V64 Historical dictionary of the Sudan / 1
DT155.3 .V64 1992eb Historical dictionary of the Sudan / 1
DT155.3 .V64 2002 Historical dictionary of the Sudan / 2
DT155.3 .V64 2013eb Historical dictionary of the Sudan / 2
DT155.6 Disrupting territories : land, commodification & conflict in Sudan / 1
DT155.6 .J33 1955i Behind the modern Sudan 1
DT155.6 .L63 2010 Global security watch--Sudan / 1
DT155.8 .S53 2020 Islamist foreign policy in Sudan : between radicalism and the search for survival / 1
DT155.9.A78 S84 2011eb Sudan looks East : China, India & the politics of Asian alternatives / 1
DT156.3 .E93 1990 Soldiers, traders, and slaves : state formation and economic transformation in the Greater Nile Valley, 1700-1885 / 1
DT156.3 .P83 1989 Public documents from Sinnār / 2
DT156.3 .U33 1998 The Nile in darkness / 1
DT156.35 .S83 1999 The Sudan of the three Niles : the Funj chronicle, 910-1288/1504-1871 / 1
DT156.4 .H37 2019eb To Be or Not to Be : a Pan-African Perspective. 1
DT156.4 .H64 1988 A history of the Sudan, from the coming of Islam to the present day / 1
DT156.4 .H64 2000 A history of the Sudan : from the coming of Islam to the present day / 1
DT156.4 .H64 2011 A history of the Sudan : from the coming of Islam to the present day / 1
DT156.4 .H64 2014eb A history of the Sudan : from the coming of Islam to the present day / 1
DT156.4 .H64 2019eb The history of the Sudan from the coming of Islam to the present day / 1