Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT1974.2 .L66 2000  
DT1974.2 .L66 2000 DVD Long night's journey into day 1
DT1974.2 .M33 2014 From apartheid to democracy : deliberating truth and reconciliation in South Africa / 1
DT1974.2 .M66 2008 Narrating political reconciliation : South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission / 1
DT1974.2 .R43 2020eb Reconciliation, forgiveness and violence in Africa : biblical, pastoral and ethical perspectives / 1
DT1974.2 .T775 2008 Truth and reconciliation in South Africa : did the TRC deliver? / 1
DT1974.2 .U54 2020eb Unfinished Business Faith Communities and Reconciliation in a Post TRC Context. 1
DT1974.2 .V35 2016 We Are Not Such Things : The Murder of a Young American, a South African Township, and the Search for Truth and Reconciliation / 1
DT1974.2 .V47 2008eb Reconciliation discourse : the case of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission / 1
DT1974.2 .W55 2001 The politics of truth and reconciliation in South Africa : legitimizing the post-apartheid state / 1
DT1974.2 .W55 2001eb The politics of truth and reconciliation in South Africa : legitimizing the post-apartheid state / 1
DT1975 .A76 2000 The new South Africa / 1
DT1975 .B66 2006 Talk left, walk right : South Africa's frustrated global reforms / 1
DT1975 .B87 2004 Contemporary South Africa / 1
DT1975 .B87 2009 Contemporary South Africa / 1
DT1975 .D46 2004 Democratizing foreign policy? : lessons from South Africa / 1
DT1975 .G47 2009 A legacy of liberation : Thabo Mbeki and the future of the South African dream / 1
DT1975 .G86 2007b Thabo Mbeki and the battle for the soul of the ANC / 1
DT1975.G86 2007b DT1975.G86 2007 DT1975eb Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC. 1
DT1975 .M36 2008 To the brink : the state of democracy in South Africa / 1