Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT279 .B85 Winters in Algeria 1
DT279 .E932 Des Zibans au Djerid par les Chotts Algériens. 1
DT279 .F93 1999 Between sea and Sahara : an Algerian journal / 1
DT279 .F9313 2004eb Between sea and Sahara : an Orientalist adventure / 1
DT279 .G32 Voyage pittoresque en Algérie. (1845.) / 1
DT279 .M35 1807i History of the captivity and sufferings of Mrs. Maria Martin who was six years a slave in Algiers, two of which she was confined in a dark and dismal dungeon, loaded with irons for refusing to comply with the brutal request of a Turkish officer / 1
DT279 .M45 1904 Au soleil / 1
DT279 .N4 1906 Algeria and Tunis / 1
DT279 .P98 Semilasso in Africa. Adventures in Algiers, and other parts of Africa. 1
DT279 .R68 1896 Notes africaines 1
DT279 .T94 The Algerine captive, or, The life and adventures of Doctor Updike Underhill [pseud.] six years a prisoner among the Algerines. 1
DT279 .W18 En Algérie (Souvenirs.) 1
DT280 .A85 1911 A motor flight through Algeria and Tunisia
A motor flight through Algeria and Tunisia /
DT280 .B4 Esto perpetua : Algerian studies and impressions. 1
DT280 .B55 1927a Algeria from within / 1
DT280 .C8 Algiers
Algiers /
DT280 .D3613 1993 In the shadow of Islam / 1
DT280 .E1813 1993 In the shadow of Islam / 1
DT280 .E2 Mes journaliers : précédés de la Vie tragique de la bonne nomade par Réné-Louis Doyon. 1
DT280 .E3 In French-Africa : scenes and memories / 1