Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT333 .C43 Die Sahara : oder, Von oase zu oase / 1
DT333 .C45 A travers les oasis sahariennes; les spahis sahariens. 1
DT333 .C732 1983 In search of the Sahara / 2
DT333 .D66 2004eb Shifting sands : a guidebook for crossing the deserts of change / 1
DT333 .D8313 2000 Sahara : la passion du desert / 1
DT333 .E27 Isabelle Eberhardt; ou, La révélation du Sahara / 1
DT333 .E791 Le pays de Rirha, Ouargla voyage à Rhadamès / 1
DT333 .F3 Sahara / 1
DT333 .F3 1958 Sahara / 1
DT333 .F58 2003 The sword and the cross : two men and an empire of sand / 2
DT333 .F6 Mes missions dans le Sahara; conférence faite à la Société de géographie de Marseille, le 28 novembre 1896 sous la présidence de m. André Lebon ministre des colonies . 1
DT333 .F95 1877 Un été dans le Sahara / 1
DT333 .G2713 1970 Sahara / 1
DT333 .G37 2011eb The Sahara : a cutural history / 1
DT333 .H39 Through Timbuctu and across the great Sahara an account of an adventurous journey of exploration from Sierra Leone to the source of the Niger, following its course to the bend at Gao and thence across the great Sahara to Algiers, 1
DT333 .H68 1990 Wheelbarrow across the Sahara / 1
DT333 .J573 Through the Sahara to the Congo / 1
DT333 .J573 1961 Through the Sahara to the Congo / 1
DT333 .K4 Mysterious Sahara : the land of gold, of sand, and of ruin / 1
DT333 .L26 1996 Sahara unveiled : a journey across the desert / 1