Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT450.435 .C53 2017eb  
DT450.435 .C54 2017 Death, image, memory : the genocide in Rwanda and its aftermath in photography and documentary film / 1
DT450.435 .C57 2015 Chronicle of a genocide foretold. 2
DT450.435 .C572 2015 Chronicle of a genocide foretold. 2
DT450.435 .C573 2015 Chronicle of a genocide foretold. 2
DT450.435 .C64 2007 One-hundred days of silence : America and the Rwanda genocide /
One hundred days of silence : America and the Rwanda genocide /
DT450.435 .C643 2014 Rwanda 1994 : the myth of the Akazu genocide conspiracy and its consequences / 1
DT450.435 .C65 2014 Rwanda 1994 : the myth of the Akazu genocide conspiracy and its consequences / 1
DT450.435 .D38 2010 Writing and filming the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda : dismembering and remembering traumatic history / 1
DT450.435.D38 2010 Writing and Filming the Genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda : Dismembering and Remembering Traumatic History. 1
DT450.435 .D44 2003 The debris of Ham : ethnicity, regionalism, and the 1994 Rwandan genocide / 1
DT450.435 .D46 2022 The genocide against the Tutsi, and the Rwandan churches : between grief and denial / 1
DT450.435 .D4713 1995 Rwanda and genocide in the twentieth century / 2
DT450.435 .E47 2004 Accounting for horror : post-genocide debates in Rwanda / 1
DT450.435 .F76 1997i Reintegration and human rights in post-genocide Rwanda 1
DT450.435 .F85 2009 Killing neighbors : webs of violence in Rwanda / 1
DT450.435 .G47 1999 Genocide in Rwanda : a collective memory / 3
DT450.435 .G474 2004 Genocide in Rwanda : complicity of the churches? / 1
DT450.435 G679 2012 Le Génocide Face à L'image. 1
DT450.435 .G68 1998 We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families : stories from Rwanda / 1