Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT54 .C97 Nile notes of a Howadji / 1
DT54 .C97 1856 Nile notes of a Howadji /
Nile notes of a Howadji
DT54 .D84 1902 Letters from Egypt Lady Duff Gordon's letters from Egypt. 1
DT54 .D84 1969b Letters from Egypt, 1862-1869. 1
DT54 .E15 Cicerone durch das alte und neue Aegypten / 1
DT54 .E2 1926 O Egypto : notas de viagem / 1
DT54 .E26 1888 A thousand miles up the Nile / 1
DT54 .E26 1889 A thousand miles up the Nile. 1
DT54 .E27 1888 A thousand miles up the Nile : with upwards of seventy illustrations engraved on wood by G. Pearson, after finished drawings executed on the spot by the author. 1
DT54 .F23 Along the Nile with General Grant 1
DT54 .F57 1972b Flaubert in Egypt : a sensibility on tour; a narrative drawn from Gustave Flaubert's travel notes & letters / 1
DT54 .F98 Waraga, or, The charms of the Nile 1
DT54 .H22 1993 Sinai, the Hedjaz, and Soudan : wanderings around the birth-place of the prophet, and across the Æthiopian desert from Sawakin to Chartum / 1
DT54 .J86 Journal of a voyage up the Nile : made between the months of November, 1848, and April, 1849 /
Journal of a voyage up the Nile, made between the months of November, 1848, and April, 1849.
DT54 .J86 1851 Journal of a voyage up the Nile : made between the months of November, 1848, and April, 1849 / 1
DT54 K7 The nilometer and the sacred soil : a diary of a tour through Egypt, Palestine, and Syria / 1
DT54 .L66 1874 Egipto y Palestina : apuntes de viaje / 1
DT54 .P39 Present-day Egypt / 1
DT54 .P95 Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. 1
DT54 .R38 1997 Die Reise zum Nil, 1849-1850 : Maxime Du Camp und Gustave Flaubert in Ägypten, Palästina und Syrien / 1