Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT571.M35 G4613 1997 The modernity of witchcraft : politics and the occult in postcolonial Africa = Sorcellerie et politique en Afrique : la viande des autres / 1
DT571.M35 G4713 1982 Village communities and the state : changing relations among the Maka of south-eastern Cameroon since the colonial conquest / 1
DT571.M356 Z45 2005 Words and processes in Mambila kinship : the theoretical importance of the complexity of everyday life / 1
DT571.M37 A54 2009 Royalty and politics : the story of my life / 1
DT571.M37 W37 2007 The pot-king : the body and technologies of power / 1
DT571.M37 W37 2007eb The pot-king : the body and technologies of power / 1
DT571.M39 M37 2002 Marai als Tochter von Huva, das Stierfest der Mafa erleben / 1
DT571.M47 D55 1990 Ranking and resistance : a precolonial Cameroonian polity in regional perspective / 1
DT571.M85 S35 1994 Quest for self-esteem : State, Islam, and Mundang ethnicity in northern Cameroon / 1
DT571.N43 F45 1999 Plundered kitchens, empty wombs : threatened reproduction and identity in the Cameroon grassfields /
Plundered kitchens, empty wombs threatened reproduction and identity in the Cameroon grassfields /
DT571.N74 G64 1996 Men own the fields, women own the crops : gender and power in the Cameroon grassfields / 1
DT571.N74 N76 2011eb Nso' and its neighbours : readings in the social history of the western grassfields of Cameroon / 1
DT571.N74 R69 2008 Royal succession in the African kingdom of Nso' : a study in oral historiography / 1
DT571.O58 A74 2007 The intestines of the state : youth, violence, and belated histories in the Cameroon grassfields / 1
DT571.O58 A74 2007eb The intestines of the state : youth, violence, and belated histories in the Cameroon grassfields / 1
DT572 .A35 2011 DVD Afrique, je te plumerai / 1
DT572 .C36 1988 Cameroon and Chad in historical and contemporary perspectives / 1
DT572 .K754 2014eb Cameroon's Contemporary Culture and Politics : Prospects and Problems / 1
DT572 .L4 1964 The Cameroons : from mandate to independence / 1
DT572 .M35 2011 Cameroon Political Story : Memories of an Authentic Eye Witness. 1