Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT611.75 .B613 Angola : five centuries of Portuguese exploitation / 1
DT611.75 .I3813 Secret weapon in Africa / 1
DT611.75 .K6 The Angolan War : a study in Soviet policy in the Third World / 1
DT611.75 L52 1976 Liberation in Southern Africa : The Organization of Angolan Women / 1
DT611.75 .M37 The Angolan revolution. 2
DT611.75 .O63 1988 Operation Timber : pages from the Savimbi dossier / 1
DT611.75 .P43 Terra vermelha : estórias para a história de guerra colonial em Angola / 1
DT611.75 .P44 La colonie du minotaure : nationalismes et révoltes en Angola, 1926-1961 / 1
DT611.75 .P46 1976 With freedom in their eyes / 1
DT611.75 .P58 Angola! Angola! testemunho sobre o problema colonial / 1
DT611.76.K37 A3 1987 Another day of life / 1
DT611.76.S76 A34 1978 In search of enemies : a CIA story / 1
DT611.8 .A6 Angola : a symposium, views of a revolt. 1
DT611.8 .F7 Em tôrno de alguns túmulos afro-cristãos de uma área africana contagiada pela cultura brasileira / 1
DT611.8 .H37 Angola : the hidden history of Washington's war / 1
DT611.8 .M68 Road to liberation : MPLA documents on the founding of the People's Republic of Angola. 1
DT611.8 .M84 A conversation with Ernesto Mulato : the political and military struggle in Angola. : held on March 2, 1979, at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, D.C. 1
DT611.8 .R44 1988 Regional conflict and U.S. policy : Angola and Mozambique / 1
DT611.8 .W64 1983 Angola in the frontline / 2
DT611.83.S38 B75 1987 Jonas Savimbi : a key to Africa / 1