DT611.75 .P43
Terra vermelha : estórias para a história de guerra colonial em Angola / |
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DT611.75 .P44
La colonie du minotaure : nationalismes et révoltes en Angola, 1926-1961 / |
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DT611.75 .P46 1976
With freedom in their eyes / |
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DT611.75 .P58
Angola! Angola! testemunho sobre o problema colonial / |
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DT611.76.K37 A3 1987
Another day of life / |
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DT611.76.S76 A34 1978
In search of enemies : a CIA story / |
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DT611.8 .A6
Angola : a symposium, views of a revolt. |
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DT611.8 .F7
Em tôrno de alguns túmulos afro-cristãos de uma área africana contagiada pela cultura brasileira / |
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DT611.8 .H37
Angola : the hidden history of Washington's war / |
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DT611.8 .M68
Road to liberation : MPLA documents on the founding of the People's Republic of Angola. |
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DT611.8 .M84
A conversation with Ernesto Mulato : the political and military struggle in Angola. : held on March 2, 1979, at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, D.C. |
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DT611.8 .R44 1988
Regional conflict and U.S. policy : Angola and Mozambique / |
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DT611.8 .W64 1983
Angola in the frontline / |
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DT611.83.S38 B75 1987
Jonas Savimbi : a key to Africa / |
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DT611.9.H5 U7
Patterns of settlement and subsistence in southwestern Angola. |
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DT613 .A44 1733eb
Relaçaõ e descripçaõ de Guiné na qual se trata das varias naçoens de negros, que a povoaõ, dos seus costumes, leys, ritos, ceremonias, guerras, armas, trajos, da qualidade dos portos, e do commercio, que nelles se faz / |
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DT613 .C266
Monjur : o Gabú e a sua história. |
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DT613.2 .A66 2012 PAL
A1oradaqui : Guinea Bissau / |
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DT613.2 .U5
Portuguese Guinea : official standard names approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names. |
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DT613.45.B34 C35 2000
The birth of religion among the Balanta of Guinea-Bissau / |
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