Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT650.A93 P4 1982 Homo caudatus : les hommes à queue d'Afrique Centrale : un avatar de l'imaginaire occidental / 1
DT650.B33 J32 Red--white--black as a mode of thought : a study of triadic classification by colours in the ritual symbolism and cognitive thought of the peoples of the Lower Congo / 1
DT650.B33 J36 The quest for therapy in Lower Zaire / 1
DT650.B36 Mbuti FO04. 1
DT650.B36 D84 1984 Children of the forest / 2
DT650.B36 D84 1996 Children of the forest : Africa's Mbuti pygmies / 1
DT650.B36 M48 1996 Mbuti design : paintings by Pygmy women of the Ituri forest / 1
DT650.B366 P3 Chiefship and cosmology : an historical study of political competition / 2
DT650.B367 M47 1974 An African world : the Basongye village of Lupupa Ngye / 1
DT650.B372 K55 2003 "The Pygmies were our compass" : Bantu and Batwa in the history of west central Africa, early times to c. 1900 C.E. / 1
DT650.B38 The law of the lifegivers : the domestication of desire / 1
DT650.B38 D472 1999 The law of the lifegivers : the domestication of desire / 1
DT650.B38 D475 1993 Weaving the threads of life : the Khita gyn-eco-logical healing cult among the Yaka / 1
DT650.B38 D48 2017 Body and affect in the intercultural encounter / 1
DT650 .B5 1973 Lega culture : art, initiation, and moral philosophy among a Central African people / 1
DT650 .B55 The Pygmies : Africans of the Congo Forest / 1
DT650 .C55 Introduction à l'ethnographie congolaise / 1
DT650 .C55 1957 Introduction à l'ethnographie du Congo belge et du Rwanda-Burundi. 1
DT650.E34 G75 1994 Houses in the rain forest : ethnicity and inequality among farmers and foragers in Central Africa / 1
DT650.E34 W54 2000 Efe pygmies : archers of the African rain forest / 1