Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DT652 .R88 2018 | King Leopold's Congo and the "scramble for Africa" : a short history with documents / | 1 |
DT652 .V36 2010eb | A vanquished peace? : prospects for the successful reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of the Congo / | 1 |
DT652 .V4 | La question congolaise | 1 |
DT652 .W2 | The story of the Congo free state : social, political, and economic aspects of the Belgian system of government in Central Africa / | 1 |
DT652 .W33 1905i | The story of the Congo Free State social, political, and economic aspects of the Belgian system of government in Central Africa / | 1 |
DT652 .W5 | Le Congo belge et la Weltpolitik, 1894-1914. | 1 |
DT653.3 .D86 2003 | Imagining the Congo : the international relations of identity / | 2 |
DT653.3 .R46 2007 | The Congo : plunder and resistance / | 1 |
DT653.5.G7 T66 1884i | The Congo treaty | 1 |
DT654 .H55 1985 | The kingdom of Kongo / | 1 |
DT654 .K67 2018 | The Kongo Kingdom : the origins, dynamics and cosmopolitan culture of an African polity / | 1 |
DT654 .K67 2018eb | The Kongo Kingdom : the origins, dynamics and cosmopolitan culture of an African polity / | 1 |
DT654 .R63 2013 | A dance of assassins : performing early colonial hegemony in the Congo / | 1 |
DT654 .R63 2013eb | A dance of assassins : performing early colonial hegemony in the Congo / | 2 |
DT654 .T56 1983 | The Kingdom of Kongo : civil war and transition, 1641-1718 / | 1 |
DT654 .T73 1992 | La Tragedia italiana sul fronte russo (1941-1943) : immagini di un sofferto sacrificio : con documenti e testimonianze / | 1 |
DT654 .V67 2015 | Kongo in the age of empire, 1860-1913 : the breakdown of a moral order / | 2 |
DT654.2.V58 T48 1998 | The Kongolese Saint Anthony : Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita and the Antonian movement, 1684-1706 / | 1 |
DT654.2.V58 T48 1998eb | The Kongolese Saint Anthony : Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita and the Antonian movement, 1684-1706 / | 1 |
DT655 |
African testimony in the movement for Congo reform : the burden of proof / Travel writing and atrocities : eyewitness accounts of colonialism in the Congo, Angola, and the Putumayo / Il pleut des mains sur le Congo : contexte et temoignages sur la periode coloniale / |
3 |