Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT655 .S43 The dark kingdoms : the impact of white civilization on three great African monarchies / 2
DT655 .U55 1885i Congo Conference message of the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of State in relation to the Congo Conference. 1
DT655 .U55 1886i Congo Conference report of the Secretary of State and correspondence in relation to the affairs of the independent state of the Congo. 1
DT655 .V37 2010 Being colonized : the Kuba experience in rural Congo, 1880-1960 / 1
DT655 .V37 2010eb Being colonized : the Kuba experience in rural Congo, 1880-1960 / 1
DT655 .V39 2017 La Belgique et le Congo (1885-1980) : L'impact de la colonie sur la métropole. 1
DT655 .W55 2006 DVD White king, red rubber, black death 1
DT655.2.C3 A3 2003 The eyes of another race : Roger Casement's Congo report and 1903 diary / 1
DT657 .B7 Belgian administration in the Congo / 1
DT657 .C6513 2023 Colette et Justin = Colette and Justin / 1
DT657 .D8 La Table ronde belgo-congolaise, janvier-février 1960 : le Congo, du régime colonial à l'indépendance 1955-1960. 1
DT657 .H45 2021eb Colonial impotence : virtue and violence in a Congolese concession (1911-1940) / 2
DT657 .H86 2015 A nervous state : violence, remedies, and reverie in colonial Congo / 1
DT657 .L4 Congo disaster / 1
DT657 .L4 1972 Congo disaster / 1
DT657 .L45 Political awakening in the Belgian Congo / 1
DT657 .L813 1962 Congo, my country / 1
DT657 .L813 1962i Congo, my country 1
DT657 .M4 Congo : background of conflict / 1
DT657 .S5 1961 The Belgian Congo / 1