DT73.T3 T44 2003
The Theban Necropolis : past, present and future / |
1 |
DT73.T3 T663 2014eb
Tombs of the South Asasif Necropolis : Thebes, Karakhamun (TT 223), and Karabasken (TT 391) in the twenty-fifth dynasty / |
1 |
A Holocene prehistoric sequence in the Egyptian Red Sea area : the Tree Shelter / |
2 |
DT73.T74 H65 2008
A Holocene prehistoric sequence in the Egyptian Red Sea area : the Tree Shelter / |
1 |
DT73.V34 M35 1996
House of eternity : the tomb of Nefertari / |
1 |
DT74 .M37 1685
Chronicus canon Aegyptiacus Ebraicus Graecus et disquisitiones D. Johannis Marshami eq. aur. & Bar |
1 |
DT74 .P43
Chronologie égyptienne d'après les textes démotiques : 332 av. J.-C.--453 ap. J.-C. / |
1 |
DT75 .G65 1994
Historical dictionary of Egypt / |
1 |
DT75 .G65 1994eb
Historical dictionary of Egypt / |
1 |
DT76 .D38 1992eb
A biographical dictionary of ancient Egypt |
1 |
DT76 .D64 2000
Monarchs of the Nile / |
1 |
DT76 .R53 1999
Who's who in ancient Egypt / |
1 |
DT76.7 .G73 2020
The persistence of orientalism : Anglo-American historians and modern Egypt / |
1 |
DT76.7 .V54 2003
Views of ancient Egypt since Napoleon Bonaparte : imperialism, colonialism and modern appropriations / |
1 |
DT76.7 .V54 2016
Views of ancient Egypt since Napoleon Bonaparte : imperialism, colonialism and modern appropriations / |
1 |
DT76.9.B4 M3 1961
The great Belzoni : archaeologist extraordinary. |
1 |
DT76.9.B76 Y68 2021
An artist in Abydos : the life and letters of Myrtle Broome / |
1 |
DT76.95.U6 T73 2004
Egypt land : race and nineteenth-century American Egyptomania / |
2 |
DT77 .C6
Egypt & the Sudan / |
1 |
DT77 .H33
Egypt / |
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