Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT764.B8 V297 1987 The creative pattern in primitive Africa / 1
DT764.B8 V3 1961 The heart of the hunter. 1
DT764.B8 V3 1961a The heart of the hunter / 1
DT764.B8 V32 1984 Testament to the Bushmen / 1
DT764.B8 V65 1982 The San in transition / 1
DT764.B8 W56 1989 Land filled with flies : a political economy of the Kalahari / 2
DT764.C6 B74 Western Coloured Township : problems of an urban slum / 2
DT764.C6 H83 Quislings or realists? : a documentary study of "Coloured" politics in South Africa / 1
DT764.C6 I56 Disqualified : a study of the uprooting of the coloured people in South Africa / 1
DT764.C6 L48 1987 Between the wire and the wall : a history of South African "colored" politics / 1
DT764.C6 O22 Occupational and social change among coloured people in South Africa : proceedings of a workshop of the Centre for Intergroup Studies at the University of Cape Town / 1
DT764.E3 D63 1984 A Documentary history of Indian South Africans / 1
DT764.E3 G3 1950 Satyagraha in South Africa / 1
DT764.E3 G3 1961 Satyagraha in South Africa / 1
DT764.E3 H84 Gandhi in South Africa : British imperialism and the Indian question, 1860-1914 / 1
DT764.E3 M28 1986 Gandhi, Congress, and apartheid / 1
DT764.E3 M38 The ghetto people : a study of the effects of uprooting the Indian people of South Africa / 1
DT764.E3 P3 The international aspects of the South African Indian question, 1860-1971
The international aspects of the South African Indian question, 1860-1971 /
DT764.G7 H3 The Griquas of Griqualand : a historical narrative of the Griqua people, their rise, progress and decline. 1
DT764.G7 R67 Adam Kok's Griquas : a study in the development of stratification in South Africa / 2