Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT83 .D75 1969 L'Égypte pharaonique. 1
DT83 .E33 2004 Egypt, Israel, and the ancient Mediterranean world : studies in honor of Donald B. Redford / 1
DT83 .F17 1981 Miṣr al-Firʻawnīyah : mujaz tarīkh miṣr mundhū aqdam al-ʻusūr ḥatta ʻām 332 qabl al-mīlād / 1
DT83 .F45 2022 Power and regions in ancient states : an Egyptian and Mesoamerican perspective / 2
DT83 .G2 Egypt of the Pharaohs : an introduction. 1
DT83 .G2 1966 Egypt of the Pharoahs : an introduction / 1
DT83 .G735 2020 The People of the Cobra Province in Egypt A Local History, 4500 to 1500 BC. 1
DT83 .G74 2013eb The great name : ancient Egyptian royal titulary / 2
DT83 .G7513 1992 A history of ancient Egypt / 1
DT83 .H49 Zur Verwaltung des Mittleren und Neuen Reichs. 1
DT83 .H54 2003eb Synchronized chronology : rethinking Middle East antiquity : a simple correction to Egyptian chronology resolves the major problems in biblical and Greek archaeology /
Synchronized chronology rethinking Middle East antiquity : a simple correction to Egyptian chronology resolves the major problems in biblical and Greek archaeology /
DT83 (INTERNET) The Egyptian history, treating of the pyramids, the inundation of the Nile, and other prodigies of Egypt, according to the opinions and traditions of the Arabians 1
DT83 .J35 2005 The British Museum concise introduction to ancient Egypt / 1
DT83 .K36 1883i Ancient Egypt under the pharaohs 1
DT83 .K374 2016eb Koninginnen van de Nijl in vertaling : De oude Egyptenaren aan het woord. 1
DT83 .K4 1926b Kings and queens of ancient Egypt / 1
DT83 .K665 2016eb Koninginnen van de Nijl : Macht en schoonheid in het Nieuwe Rijk (1539-1077 v. Chr.) 1
DT83 .M36 2022 Ancient Egypt in its African context : economic networks, social and cultural interactions / 2
DT83 .M46 1978 Temples, tombs, and hieroglyphs : a popular history of ancient Egypt / 1
DT83 .M553 1968b Lives of the Pharaohs. 1