Call Number (LC) Title Results
DT93 .G73 2013 Roman conquests : Egypt and Judaea / 1
DT93 .H37 2008 Loyalty and dissidence in Roman Egypt : the case of the Acta Alexandrinorum / 1
DT93 .H37 2008eb Loyalty and dissidence in Roman Egypt : the case of the Acta Alexandrinorum / 1
DT93 .H645 2000 Altägypten im Römischen Reich : der römische Pharao und seine Tempel / 1
DT93 .J57 2009 Statthalterliche Verwaltung in der römischen Kaiserzeit : Studien zum praefectus Aegypti / 2
DT93 .L46 2004 Ägyptens späte Blüte : die Römer am Nil / 1
DT93 .L49 1997 The compulsory public services of Roman Egypt / 1
DT93 .L5 Daily life in Roman Egypt. 1
DT93 .M44 1993 Coptic perspectives on late antiquity / 1
DT93 .M47 2017e Roman geographies of the Nile : from the late Republic to the early Empire / 1
DT93 .O96 2012 The Oxford handbook of Roman Egypt / 1
DT93 .R66 2021 Roman Egypt : a history 1
DT93 .S38 2021 The bearers of business letters in Roman Egypt / 1
DT93 .S77 2008 L'archivio di Claudius Tiberianus da Karanis / 1
DT93 .T384 2013 Motherland Lost : the Egyptian and Coptic Quest for Modernity. 2
DT93 .T46 2020 Thought, culture, and historiography in Christian Egypt, 284-641 AD / 1
DT93 .T73 2010eb Tradition and transformation : Egypt under Roman rule : proceedings of the international conference, Hildesheim, Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum, 3-6 July 2008 / 1
DT93 .V3 1962 Chronologie des préfets d'Égypte de 284 à 395. 1
DT94 .C36 1998 Modern Egypt, from 1517 to the end of the twentieth century /
The Cambridge history of Egypt /
DT94 .C36 2000 Egypt : a short history / 1