Call Number (LC) Title Results
DU629.P3 B47 2004 Loyal to the land : the legendary Parker Ranch, 750-1950 / 1
DU629.P3 B73 1974 The Parker Ranch of Hawaii : the saga of a ranch and a dynasty. 1
DU643 .C37 2014 First settlement of remote Oceania earliest sites in the Mariana Islands / 1
DU645 .C86 1992 Ancient Chamorro society / 1
DU645 .U51 Covenant to establish a commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in political union with the United States of America : Report together with minority and additional views / 1
DU645ebook Historia de las islas Marianas / 1
DU647 .A3 Information on Guam transmitted by the United States to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, pursuant to article 73(e) of the Charter / 1
DU647 .A35 Navy's transfer of power system to financially troubled Guam Power Authority has been delayed. : Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the United States. July 2, 1982. 1
DU647 .A593 2022 No country for eight-spot butterflies : a lyric essay / 1
DU647 .B4 Guam, past and present. 1
DU647 .C4 The liberation of Guam. 1
DU647 .C69 1917i The island of Guam with map and 12 illustrations / 1
DU647 .C69 1926i The island of Guam with map and 12 illustrations / 1
DU647 .D45 2021 Placental politics : CHamoru women, white womanhood, and indigeneity under U.S. colonialism in Guam / 1
DU647 .F56 2023 Tip of the spear : land, labor, and US settler militarism in Guåhan, 1944-1962 / 2
DU647 P6 Pacific outpost : American strategy in Guam and Micronesia. 1
DU647 .R63 1995 Destiny's landfall : a history of Guam / 1
DU647 .R63 2011 Destiny's landfall : a history of Guam / 1
DU647 .S34 2007 The archaeology of the governor's palace : Plaza de Espa̋na, Aga̋na, Guam / 1
DU647 .S68 1992 Daughters of the island : contemporary Chamorro women organizers on Gaum / 1