Call Number (LC) Title Results
DU647 .S7234 1998 Pacific passages : world culture and local politics in Guam / 1
DU647 .T5 1942 Guam and its people : a study of culture change and colonial education / 1
DU647 .T5 1947 Guam and its people / 1
DU647 .W66 2010 Guam Society & Culture Complete Report : an All-Inclusive Profile Combining All of Our Society and Culture Reports. 1
DU648 .C377 2017 Substantive Evidence of Initial Habitation in the Remote Pacific. 1
DU648.N67 U55 1976i Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union with the United States of America P.L. 94-241, 90 Stat. 263, March 24, 1976. 1
DU648.S35 D596 2019 Afetna Point, Saipan. 1
DU670 .H3 Among the natives of the Loyalty group / 1
DU680 .E7 Manga Reva : the Forgotten Islands / 1
DU700 .O4 White shadows in the South Seas / 1
DU700 .O4 1919 White shadows in the South seas. : Illustrated with scenes from the photoplay, a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture. 1
DU700 .P4 The Marquesas Islands collection in the Peabody Museum of Salem / 1
DU700 .R56 1974b The Marquesan journal of Edward Robarts, 1797-1824 / 1
DU700 .S83 The hidden worlds of Polynesia : the chronicle of an archaeological expedition to Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas Islands. 1
DU700 .S83 1965 The hidden worlds of Polynesia; the chronicle of an archaeological expedition to Nuku Hiva in Marquesas Islands. 1
DU700 .T46 1990 Marquesan societies : inequality and political transformations in eastern Polynesia / 1
DU700.7 .D44 Islands and beaches : discourse on a silent land, Marquesas, 1774-1880 / 1
DU701.F3 H47 1975 Fatu-Hiva : back to nature / 2
DU701.N8 G68 2010 Twelve days at Nuku Hiva : Russian encounters and mutiny in the South Pacific / 1
DU710 Suburban Empire : Cold War Militarization in the US Pacific / 1