Call Number (LC) Title Results
DX161 .D3 Apuntes del dialecto "caló" o gitano puro / 1
DX161.H7 P63 Grammar of the Lovari dialect. 1
DX161 .M3 Cantes flamencos. 1
DX161 .P57 Grammar of the Lovari dialect. 1
DX161 .S3 1968 The dialect of the gypsies of Wales : being the older form of British Romani preserved in the speech of the clan of Abram Wood. 1
DX175 .W37 1986 The English gypsy caravan : its origins, builders, technology, and conservation / 1
DX201 Romanies in Michigan / 1
DX201 .B55 2019 Romanies in Michigan / 1
DX201 .B7 Gypsy fires in America : a narrative of life among the Romanies of the United States and Canada ... / 1
DX201 .C68 2018 American Roma : a modern investigation of lived experiences and media portrayals / 2
DX201 .G76 1975 Gypsies in the city : culture patterns and survival / 2
DX201 .N46 2002 The gypsy-American : an ethnogeographic study / 1
DX201 .S97 1975b Gypsies : the hidden Americans / 1
DX201 .S97 1986g Gypsies : the hidden Americans / 1
DX201 .S98 1988 Familiar strangers : gypsy life in America /
Familiar strangers : Gypsy life in America /
DX205 From itinerant trade to moneylending in the era of financial inclusion : households, debts and masculinity among Calon Gypsies of northeast Brazil / 1
DX205 .F67 2013eb Foreigners, refugees, or minorities? : rethinking people in the context of border controls and visas / 1
DX205 .F67 2016 Foreigners, refugees or minorities? : rethinking people in the context of border controls and visas / 1
DX205 .G34 2023 American Gitanos in Mexico City : transnationalism, cultural identity and economic environment / 1
DX205 .O4 1936 Os ciganos do Brasil : (subsidios historicos, ethnographicos e linguisticos) 1